Atlas has pulled back to their core areas and also have reset standings toward I.T. alliance as well as Aeternus, Blade., Circle-Of-Two, Cry Havoc., Dead Terrorists, Death Rhubarb, Dirt Nap Squad., Ewoks, HUN Reloaded, T o r m e n t u m, Talos Coalition, White Noise and Evoke.
This comes on the heels of last weeks uber-fail which involved losing their first titan in 3 years as well as Southern Coalition capitals and super-capitals logging off in H-W system only to find themselvs in a perma-rapecage when they logged back in. According to Atlas despot, Bobby Atlas, the war has failed due to complete ineptitude on the part of I.T. alliance, and no furthur gains can be expected in the northern campaign.
About the failed campaign, and the debacle in H-W he said: "the whole idea of logging capitals off in H-W was a ludicrously stupid plan" he continued, "my biggest regret in this whole situation was [not] telling others to go fuck themselves. ... I will not make that same mistake again. The entirety of this NC campaign is and has been a joke, ... I really don't give a shit what people think ...we are going home."
Speaking specifically about IT alliance he said "I don't really care what they think... the only thing this campaign has proven ... is to never let IT lead another campaign."
R.I.P. the great southern nap-fest.
Read the thread on Kugu
Nex ut Inferus Coalition! -- Death to the Southern Coalition!
Welcome to the Corporate News Blog for Sentinels Reprieve Corporation.
We are a member of the Fidelas Constans Alliance, loyal to the ideals of Operation Deliverance and operate Anti-Pirate NBSI. While we are primarily a combat corporation, we are also diverse and accept applications from capsule pilots from all racial backgrounds and professional career paths. Currently however, we are recruiting on an invite-only basis.
Please come to our public chat, join channel "SREP"
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Providence is burning, and "Nero" is playing his fiddle.
Providence has been put into a loose lock down during the peak activity times of the S.C.. while members of the SC begin taking all the systems they need for a jump bridge network connecting SC alliances to empire space through providence to supplement their supply lines. During all this time CVA lead defense forces are avoiding large scale conflict with the enemy.
Following the capture d-g providence defence forces were unsuccessfull in preventing the capture of market hub 9-uy, as well as all exit systems from providence with the lone exception of kbp-7 where providence defence forces and the -7- Navy were successful in preventing the systems capture.
According to reports from the Interstellar Correspondents Karn Mithralia of U'K stated after the seige that while other systems were taken with minimal resistance from providence defense forces, in 9-f “ATLAS moved on it with their allies, mostly with input for UK, AAA and SYS-K... I believe it finally fell... Fidelas Constans [FCON] put up a very stalwart defence supported by CVA. They deserve a warrior’s respect for the way they fought against overwhelming odds.”
While the CVA and their leader Aralis believes that a Fabian type, attrition style defense could tire the enemy before they take all of providence, I do not believe this is the case. CVA leadership is obviously burying their heads in the proverbial sand. Given the resources of the SC and their motivations it is unlikely that they will stop till they have accomplished their goals, namely accessing supplemental connections and supply routes between their core systems and empire space, as well as removing what they have come to see as an existential threat on their borders.
FCon on the other hand is now liberated. Free from our obligations of sov, we can focus like a laser on our enemy, without restraint and without hesitation.
"To those who have made it their mission to destroy NRDS Providence, and Holders, we will never forgive, and never forget."
-Lupus Aurelius, FCon Senior Consul
Providence is prosperous because of its ideals not in spite of them.
When CVA launched Operation Deliverance in 106 they began a bold new experiment in New Eden. They have succeed where no others could. The NRDS policy, derided by some as "idealistic", "naive", or even "doomed to failure" has not hindered Providence, it is the very reason that the region prospers. Historically this area was a haven to pirates, terrorists and criminals. Only with stable government and safety can industry truly prosper, and an economy cannot grow without neutral traffic: neutral traffic prevents economic stagnation, and deflation, by continuously increasing the region's population, because many if not most of these neutrals eventually become residents, and hopefully blues.

The values we share in Providence will continue to provide us with the military, economic, and moral high ground to continue this fight to its foregone conclusion: we will succeed.
Providence is poised to rival empire space in wealth, infrastructure and stability.
AY-YCU, Providence - Recent data suggests that Providence may be the most populous and industrially-developed region in null-sec, the so-called "outlaw space" beyond the control of CONCORD and the planetary governments. The strong alliance of so-called "Holders" who share sovereignty in the area and the "Not Red, Don't Shoot" policy originally set in place by Curatores Veritatis Alliance [CVA] appear to be the driving force behind this economic boom. Providence for many is seen as an accessible, “open to all” region with the chance of earning plenty of allies, and ISK, but CVA have rules in place to for those who wish to operate there. These mandates can vary between the "Holder" alliances (sovereignty holders in the region, named after the Amarr Holder caste) but one thing they must all share is the “Not Red Don’t Shoot Policy” or NRDS as it is known.
No alliance in the Providence Holder Network is permitted to initiate an attack in designated areas unless they are officially labelled as enemies, either for hostile politics or action in the region, or for crimes such as piracy or theft. If that rule is broken, that alliance will be forcibly removed from the region. The maintenance of such a policy requires a highly active diplomatic team and the continuous passing of intel, compared to the more popular policy of NBSI.
Alliances who accept the Holder's Oath are offered improved access to CVA outposts in the region, and sometimes ceded sovereignty in an area and given permission to construct their own outposts and facilities. Current spaceholders in the region include CVA, Amarr loyalist alliance Aegis Militia, long-time CVA allies Sev3rance and Paxton Federation, Cold Steel Alliance, former Ushra'Khan allies Sylph who changed allegiance to CVA some years ago (Sylph suffered heavy blows in the last year and have a much-reduced presence in the region from their 109-110 heyday) and Libertas Fidelitas Alliance, who recently took a leading role in the Providence bloc's assaults into Catch.
Mikella Ki’Theki, explained one of the reasons why she feels capsuleers are attracted to Providence. “Providence is all about working as a team. When an [outpost] is being defended or a hostile one attacked, it’s often the case that we all participate.” Ugleb, member of Ushra’Khan [UNITY] admitted that CVA have pushed the growth of Providence: “Their operation, Deliverance, has been a driving force in developing the region. When our two alliances first entered Providence it had no stations. The first was built by the CVA.”
Enemies of CVA and their support of slavery, Ushra'Khan formerly held sovereignty in Providence with two outposts, Unity Station in 9UY4-H and Karishal's Defiance in QR-K85. After years of conflict, the systems fell to CVA three years ago; Karishal's Defiance - named after leader of the Defiants, Karishal Muritor, whose body was housed there after his execution (some would say "assassination") by the Minmatar Republic - was renamed "Karishal's Folly" by the conquering forces. Unity station fell 3 months later, becoming "Deliverance Reclaimed."
Hostilities still continue between CVA and the Ushra'Khan to this day, with Providence representing a free-fire zone to its former UNITY residents. The decision to adopt an NBSI ("Not Blue, Shoot It") engagement policy in Providence and its neighbour, Catch, was taken by the otherwise NRDS UNITY alliance as a way of conducting economic warfare (some would say "terrorism") in a region where all sovereignty holders are tied through both economics and politics to the Amarr loyalist, pro-slavery CVA.
While the region certainly attracts conflict, it has experienced many years of relatively-stable governance. Mikella described the environment that stability has generated. “Hundreds of capsuleers pass through Providence every day. Ratting in anomalies, mining in hidden belts and trading at any one of the market hubs in the region. They generate a massive economic turnover; they make themselves wealthy and make others wealthy.”
It is not all about making money, as in Providence pilots will be thrown into the thick of fighting almost immediately. Currently, UNITY and allies Against ALL Authorities [.-A-.] are attacking Providence from Catch. On a more day-to-day basis, Providence sees bored fleets from the Matari Tribal Liberation Force (and indeed some from the Amarr 24th Imperial Crusade) raid into the region in the hopes of provoking conflict. CVA maintain that Providence is an “open to all” region. The fighting in the region looks set to continue as more pilots enter outlaw space in search of glory and ISK, while also choosing the pro-slavery laws of CVA or the direct opposition methods of UNITY and their allies.
At present, Providence is involved in its largest-scale conflict for years. In retribution for the expansion of " Operation Deliverance" (the CVA-backed operation to reclaim space for the Amarr Empire) into their home space in Catch, Against ALL Authorities and Ushra'Khan have launched a literally titanic offensive against the Paxton Federation-held system of D-GTMI, with fleets numbering well over 1,000 being typical. Just after midnight on the 29.01.112, following several days of brutal fighting and heavy loses for Providence, Paxton lost sovereignty over the system and the station was claimed by .-A-.
With more pilots than ever before expressing an interest in the local lifestyle, Providence could grow to match some regions of high security space in population and activity, but the effect of the recent wars upon its popularity remain to be seen.
AY-YCU, Providence - Recent data suggests that Providence may be the most populous and industrially-developed region in null-sec, the so-called "outlaw space" beyond the control of CONCORD and the planetary governments. The strong alliance of so-called "Holders" who share sovereignty in the area and the "Not Red, Don't Shoot" policy originally set in place by Curatores Veritatis Alliance [CVA] appear to be the driving force behind this economic boom. Providence for many is seen as an accessible, “open to all” region with the chance of earning plenty of allies, and ISK, but CVA have rules in place to for those who wish to operate there. These mandates can vary between the "Holder" alliances (sovereignty holders in the region, named after the Amarr Holder caste) but one thing they must all share is the “Not Red Don’t Shoot Policy” or NRDS as it is known.
No alliance in the Providence Holder Network is permitted to initiate an attack in designated areas unless they are officially labelled as enemies, either for hostile politics or action in the region, or for crimes such as piracy or theft. If that rule is broken, that alliance will be forcibly removed from the region. The maintenance of such a policy requires a highly active diplomatic team and the continuous passing of intel, compared to the more popular policy of NBSI.
Alliances who accept the Holder's Oath are offered improved access to CVA outposts in the region, and sometimes ceded sovereignty in an area and given permission to construct their own outposts and facilities. Current spaceholders in the region include CVA, Amarr loyalist alliance Aegis Militia, long-time CVA allies Sev3rance and Paxton Federation, Cold Steel Alliance, former Ushra'Khan allies Sylph who changed allegiance to CVA some years ago (Sylph suffered heavy blows in the last year and have a much-reduced presence in the region from their 109-110 heyday) and Libertas Fidelitas Alliance, who recently took a leading role in the Providence bloc's assaults into Catch.
Mikella Ki’Theki, explained one of the reasons why she feels capsuleers are attracted to Providence. “Providence is all about working as a team. When an [outpost] is being defended or a hostile one attacked, it’s often the case that we all participate.” Ugleb, member of Ushra’Khan [UNITY] admitted that CVA have pushed the growth of Providence: “Their operation, Deliverance, has been a driving force in developing the region. When our two alliances first entered Providence it had no stations. The first was built by the CVA.”
Enemies of CVA and their support of slavery, Ushra'Khan formerly held sovereignty in Providence with two outposts, Unity Station in 9UY4-H and Karishal's Defiance in QR-K85. After years of conflict, the systems fell to CVA three years ago; Karishal's Defiance - named after leader of the Defiants, Karishal Muritor, whose body was housed there after his execution (some would say "assassination") by the Minmatar Republic - was renamed "Karishal's Folly" by the conquering forces. Unity station fell 3 months later, becoming "Deliverance Reclaimed."
Hostilities still continue between CVA and the Ushra'Khan to this day, with Providence representing a free-fire zone to its former UNITY residents. The decision to adopt an NBSI ("Not Blue, Shoot It") engagement policy in Providence and its neighbour, Catch, was taken by the otherwise NRDS UNITY alliance as a way of conducting economic warfare (some would say "terrorism") in a region where all sovereignty holders are tied through both economics and politics to the Amarr loyalist, pro-slavery CVA.
While the region certainly attracts conflict, it has experienced many years of relatively-stable governance. Mikella described the environment that stability has generated. “Hundreds of capsuleers pass through Providence every day. Ratting in anomalies, mining in hidden belts and trading at any one of the market hubs in the region. They generate a massive economic turnover; they make themselves wealthy and make others wealthy.”
It is not all about making money, as in Providence pilots will be thrown into the thick of fighting almost immediately. Currently, UNITY and allies Against ALL Authorities [.-A-.] are attacking Providence from Catch. On a more day-to-day basis, Providence sees bored fleets from the Matari Tribal Liberation Force (and indeed some from the Amarr 24th Imperial Crusade) raid into the region in the hopes of provoking conflict. CVA maintain that Providence is an “open to all” region. The fighting in the region looks set to continue as more pilots enter outlaw space in search of glory and ISK, while also choosing the pro-slavery laws of CVA or the direct opposition methods of UNITY and their allies.
At present, Providence is involved in its largest-scale conflict for years. In retribution for the expansion of " Operation Deliverance" (the CVA-backed operation to reclaim space for the Amarr Empire) into their home space in Catch, Against ALL Authorities and Ushra'Khan have launched a literally titanic offensive against the Paxton Federation-held system of D-GTMI, with fleets numbering well over 1,000 being typical. Just after midnight on the 29.01.112, following several days of brutal fighting and heavy loses for Providence, Paxton lost sovereignty over the system and the station was claimed by .-A-.
With more pilots than ever before expressing an interest in the local lifestyle, Providence could grow to match some regions of high security space in population and activity, but the effect of the recent wars upon its popularity remain to be seen.
Been busy in Providence.
Still trying to find time to sit down and write the corporate back story. All of our time and resources have gone to fighting the invasion of D-GTMI by AAA.
This weekend D-G was invaded by forces from AAA, they anchored System Blocade Units [SBU] on the stargetes, and put the system structures into reenforced. Providence defense forces easily incapicated the blocade units.
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- Sentinels Reprieve
- 9-F0B, Providence